For those of you who aren't aware, I am currently living alongside 60 souls who've really got something to boast about (but they dont, because they're humble). Together in San Diego, we're educating ourselves on every aspect of a terrible war raging in Africa as a pre-requisite for the 3 months we will spend on the road, relaying what we've learned to anyone with ears to listen.
It's remarkable, as is the various facts and statistics that are being pumped into my brain during 13 hour days, but right now i'm trying to adhere to the humility of this all: how a single strand of compassion is threading us together and igniting an unforseeable change within. Today the filmmakers told us to "Fucking DREAM IT!" through a heap of laughter, but then reminded us to be humble in our steps. The magnitude of what we're about to do is exciting and deserves applause, but we're not to seek it or even acknowledge it. We've a job to do.
On more specific notes, so far I've:
- Routinely woke up at 4:30am without awaking my 8 roommates
- Realized that dudes in plaid = yumtown
- Learned that Americans are fat for legitimate reasons
- Discovered that there exists a brand of food called 'Krusteaz'
- Gone to In N Out and realized that it ISS as fantastic as everyone says
- Enjoyed the San Diego sunsets and deemed them the best and cheapest visual stimuli around
- Reminded myself that as surely as the sun rises, I will miss the comforts of home
Here's a little something for all of you to feast on for now:
Untitled from Lauranne Boyd on Vimeo.